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Hello,  registration for the 2022-2023 season is now open.  We have some great additions and a few changes.  Please remember that we will fill up fast and to place your name on the waiting list if necessary.  We do try our best to include as many skaters as we can.  Log onto your account to register.


  • CanSkate for Hockey - Tuesdays
  • Power Skating - Thursdays at 4pm
  • Synchro Program - Monday
  • Adult Skate (Learn to Skate) - Saturday

Please email us if you have any questions


We want you to come and Join Us Saturday July 16th!

Skate Lakeshore is walking in the Parade and would like to invite our skaters to come and join us (parents and siblings are welcome too)!

We will be meeting at the Belle River High School at 9:15am.  Please let us know if you will be attending so we can be sure to watch for you. (email

Parade information:

The parade will begin at 10:00am and will flow down Notre Dame Street.  This year, the parade will start and end at Belle River District High School at 333 South Street.  

We can't wait to see you!