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Provincial Series Competition


From February 14 – 16, 2025, Skate Lakeshore will proudly host a Provincial Series Competition at the Atlas Tube Centre, attracting hundreds of competitive skaters from across the Province of Ontario to the beautiful Municipality of Lakeshore.  This competition will provide opportunities for local competitors while also providing an opportunity for younger skaters to see first-hand where their skating journey might take them.

You can learn more about the Provincial Series #14 at . 

There are a number of opportunities to be a part of this exciting event:


An event of this size requires a lot of volunteers to make it run smoothly!  Please sign up to volunteer at: 


If you own or work for a business that might be interested in highlighting itself as an organization committed to providing opportunities for youth in sport consider one of these sponsorship opportunities


Are you talented in the kitchen? As part of this competition opportunity, Skate Lakeshore will host a bake sale to offer delicious hand-held baked goods for competitors and their supporters. If you’re interested in providing baked goods for this sale, please contact to let us know.


 We have lots of volunteers to feed over this three-day event! If you are interested in contributing a crock pot of soup, stew, pasta or similar to this event, please contact us at to let us know.


Thank you to our sponsors!

Event Gold Sponsor